I was on a job the other day and I looked out from the balcony to what I discovered was an impressive and unusual view. It was an elevated impression of the city of Parramatta that I hadn’t previously seen. I am sharing this because I found it visually intriguing … and so I felt like including it in a blog post.
I was taken by the way the city skyline looked somehow “unreal” in the light, almost surreal as if some AI program had created it. I think it was merely a result of the soft afternoon light and the fact that I was using a telephoto lens, which has the tendency to compress imagery.

I also liked the tall residential building constructed directly opposite where I was positioned. I couldn’t help looking directly into the stack of neighbouring, domestic boxes and wonder about the inhabitants. It reminded me of when you used to fly into the old airport in Hong Kong, past all the high-rise apartment buildings, looking at the laundry hanging out to dry, with various other signs of inner city living.

It was also intriguing to look down to see that just below me was one of the old cemeteries of Parramatta, with gravestones covering a large area adjacent to the residential towers. This contrast and juxtaposition fascinated me.