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Opening – John McRae Photography & Studio

Y-Suites on Margaret – Opening

With the increase in the need for housing for both local and overseas students, Sydney is seeing the proliferation of dedicated developments for our academic youth. One such initiative is Y-Suites. This company has recently opened its third tower in Redfern, called Y-Suites on Margaret. Previously, they have opened Y-Suites on Gibbons and Y-Suites on Regent, in close proximity. They have also developed similar accommodation facilities in Adelaide, Canberra and Melbourne.

I was commissioned by the company, based in Singapore, to cover the opening activities at this latest downtown complex. Over the period of a day, I captured images of students arriving for the first time to check in to what will be their new homes for the duration of the scholastic year

While many of the students had recently arrived from overseas, there was also a collection of local students who had decided, for reasons of convenience, to move into accommodation close to the institution in which they had enrolled.

There was an air of excitement and expectation as these young people navigated their way with their suitcases from reception, where they checked in then collected their keys, to the first sight of their new homes after they opened the door to their apartment.

I photographed an enthusiastic young man from China who arrived with his colleague. His smile radiated the joy he felt as he entered the foyer and anticipated entering his apartment. I photographed him opening the door to his room for the first time. Some of the rooms had balloons tied to the door-handle so that the students could “cut” the string of the balloon in a ceremonious gesture when “coming home” for the first time.

I also photographed a young girl from out of town who spoke fluent French. Her father and mother had driven from rural NSW to accompany their daughter to help her settle into her new home. Her mother was in fact French and although they now lived in Australia, French was often spoken at home. I understood this once I realised that the girl’s Australian father had lived for many years in France and also spoke fluent French. They were all having such fun creating a new sense of community.

My day was filled with photographing these joyful comings and goings. I also managed to capture some of the communal spaces in the building for documentation purposes, as well as shooting the exterior of the building from various angles.

I wish all the students a wonderful time in their new home while they pursue their studies. I fondly remember my own time as a student in the halls of residence at Monash University in Melbourne. It was such fun and I made wonderful friendships and long-lasting bonds. It was also a time of great growth as I ventured out from my safe family environment to be totally independent for the first time.

Video footage was also required for this project. Y-Suites wanted a 60-second reel of the day’s events. I worked with Nick Jones from “Grip Shoot Boom”, an excellent videographer, pictured below.

The following is an overview of the day’s events at Y-Suites on Margaret, as filmed and edited by Nick.

United For Care – new independent living facility opens in Merrylands

It was a festive morning at the grand opening of the newly completed Merrylands facility of United For Care, in partnership with Vertika to provide supported independent living (SIL).

United For Care is an organisation that provides many kinds of support and assistance within the disability sector. It has partnered with Vertika, a company specialised in the development of vertical integrated specialist accommodation within the same sector

Nick Jones (video) and I (still photographs) covered the event, and recorded many of the morning’s activities. We even managed to include a number of voice-to-camera interviews with selected participants.

We toured the newly created apartments, hearing from some of the executive team as well as listening to a speech from Jacob, the very first resident of the complex. DJ Dylan from Wollongong was spinning on the turn-table – not to mention the amazing coffee cart out the front of the building with a wonderful array of cup-cakes. There was also a heart-felt “welcome to country” performed on the upper terrace. 

United For Care opens new facility in Liverpool

I was in the Sydney suburb of Liverpool to photograph the opening event of a new accommodation facility in Liverpool for people with disability.

United For Care is an organisation which promotes the idea that people with disability can live, to a large extent, a happy and fulfilled life and that means having their own independent accommodation. It strives to move away from any model of communal living in dormitories, shared bathrooms and lounge rooms and gives the individual the pleasure of having their own space, at the same time offering all the allied support that may be necessary.

Aunty Gail delivers the welcome to country
Smoking Ceremony

The event kicked off with an acknowledgement of the traditional custodians of the land in a welcome to country by Aunty Gail followed by a smoking ceremony.

Karim Amin
Dai Le (MP)

Speeches were made by the Chief Operations Officer, Karim Amin and Dai Le (Federal Member), who also cut the ribbon to mark the official opening.

The Weeklies

Guests were entertained by “The Weeklies”, the Disability Services Australia band who created a melodic background for the day’s activities. The catering was next level, as you can see from some of the images which follow.