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Disability Sector – John McRae Photography & Studio

United For Care – new independent living facility opens in Merrylands

It was a festive morning at the grand opening of the newly completed Merrylands facility of United For Care, in partnership with Vertika to provide supported independent living (SIL).

United For Care is an organisation that provides many kinds of support and assistance within the disability sector. It has partnered with Vertika, a company specialised in the development of vertical integrated specialist accommodation within the same sector

Nick Jones (video) and I (still photographs) covered the event, and recorded many of the morning’s activities. We even managed to include a number of voice-to-camera interviews with selected participants.

We toured the newly created apartments, hearing from some of the executive team as well as listening to a speech from Jacob, the very first resident of the complex. DJ Dylan from Wollongong was spinning on the turn-table – not to mention the amazing coffee cart out the front of the building with a wonderful array of cup-cakes. There was also a heart-felt “welcome to country” performed on the upper terrace.