A stately Vaucluse residence set the scene for my latest fashion shoot for the label So French So Chic. My trusted team of Valeria Sizova (model), Kevin Vella (MUA & stylist), Valerie Tsoukaris (client & creator), Caro Davis (styling) and Nick Jones (photographic assistant), worked together to create our vision of the upcoming autumn range.

It was a fine Sydney day, so it was wonderful to be working outside on the verandah of the house, and taking photographs down into the landscaped gardens. We all worked hard and the crew produced a strong series of images … see our contented faces in the group shot at the end.

Now that the autumn fashion range has been photographed, we are working on a selection of images for inclusion in the new published catalogue. For a look at the entire So French So Chic collection, follow this link: So French So Chic