Well-known singer and entertainer Naomi Price of The Little Red Company gave a wonderful performance at the State Theatre in Sydney on Friday May 24, 2024. I was asked to grab some photographs of the performance, a homage to Adele titled “Rumour Has It”.

I hadn’t been to the State Theatre for a while and I had forgotten just how impressive the interior is … starting with the imposing, marble double staircase at the entrance to the lush, ornate interior of the main room. You can only hope that these “Grand Dames” from the past glory of architecture will endure, and keep side-stepping redevelopment.
Naomi Price’s performance was magnificent. She chose to create a show from Adele’s record-breaking repertoire. In fact Naomi “became” Adele. She duplicated her Northern London accent to a T, and gave her audience a healthy dose of comic relief. Here’s a link to Dragica Jukic’s review of the cabaret-style concert: Click here.
The following are a few images of the night, taken while I discreetly raced around the auditorium looking for the best angles to capture Naomi on stage.